Tapis de course et équipement de dressage pour chiens haut de gamme

Firepaw Dog Treadmills Extras and Customizations

Firepaw Dog Treadmills Extras and Customization. 

Personal approach and custom design has been inseparable part of Firepaw Dog Treadmills concept since the very beginning. With just a few clicks our customers can create creative design in two colors for their treadmill and add their custom stickers on the transparent sides . They can also add extras like speed computer, adjustable slope and handbrake. 

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That is far not everything we can upgrade on Firepaw Dog Treadmills. We have enjoyed making a number of other customizations to fullfil dogmen specific needs. 


Main wheels blockage:
 Useful for agility trainers and first timers. 

Price  – 30 eu

Adjustable dog holding bar in horizontal and vertical in large range of positions to fit the mushing dogs harnesses: 

Price: 30-60 eu 

Plastic Running Belt: 

PVC material is used for the belt. 
Better resistance to high humidity

Price  – 195 eu 

Dark foil on the transparent sides: 
Make the sides tinned and protects them scratching. 

Industrial  (natural steel color) design: 
Steel is still protected against rust with transparent paint. 


Extra width to fit the biggest bullies chests: 
For dogs with chest width over 40cm  – 16 inches – 80 eu

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or ideas. We will be happy to help – info@firepaw.eu 

2 commentaires

  1. Anna novembre 16, 2019 Répondre

    Hello, How much extra does the « Main wheels blockage » cost? and how do we add that to our order?

    • Auteur
      Firepaw janvier 20, 2020 Répondre

      Hi Marcus,

      Please excuse us for late respond but for some reason we haven’t received notification for your comment.

      Price is 30 eu. We can send you invoice just for this as it not listed on website. PLease do not hesitate me email us at info@firepaw.eu for more details.



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