Tapis de course et équipement de dressage pour chiens haut de gamme

Firepaw Standard Dog Treadmill Gallery

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22 commentaires

  1. Hilda Laboucan janvier 28, 2018 Répondre

    Do you ship to Canada ? I have 3 pit bulls , 48 to 63 lb .
    What would the estimated cost and time be ?

    • Firepaw avril 3, 2018 Répondre

      Hi, yes we can ship to Canada.

      Shipping price for pitbull sized treadmill is 240 eu

      For a treadmill we have in stock a week
      For custom new one – 2-4 weeks.


  2. Hilda Laboucan janvier 28, 2018 Répondre

    Interested in acquiring one of your mills.

  3. Joyce Evans mai 18, 2018 Répondre


    • Firepaw mai 21, 2018 Répondre


      1355 usd with shipping to closest airport for standard treadmill and 1180 for economy in small size

  4. Allen De Graff mai 14, 2019 Répondre

    Can you email me ???

  5. Sam octobre 2, 2019 Répondre

    110# American Bulldog
    Treadmill price with shipping to U.S. 62865 zip code.

  6. Jim Abbey décembre 23, 2019 Répondre

    Hi I am interested in your non-motorized self propelled treadmills for working dogs. I have 3 working German Shepard’s from 70- 85 LBs each. Please send me info on product; maintence and repairs, cost, warernty and your location. Thanks much,

  7. jason janvier 15, 2020 Répondre

    Hello do you have any slatmills ready to ship.

    • Auteur
      Firepaw janvier 20, 2020 Répondre

      Hello Jason,

      Yes we have one in large size.

      Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@firepaw.eu for more detail or our facebook page: Firepaw Dog Treadmills



  8. Anthony silva avril 24, 2020 Répondre

    Looking for a mill for xl dog

  9. Schaeffner Selina avril 28, 2020 Répondre


    What size do I need for GSD??
    You Shipp to Europe (Germany)
    And how much would it cost?

    LG selina

  10. Lorena septembre 15, 2020 Répondre

    I have a 20 pound miniature Schnauzer , I live in the US and by the time I get home it’s pouring rain so I can’t walk him . I’m interested in a non-powered one . He like to take his time on walks.
    What size would you recommend ?

    • Auteur
      Firepaw octobre 28, 2020 Répondre

      Hello Please excuse us for late respond.

      Depends on his height to withers but usually mini treadmills fit miniature Schnauzer.



  11. Dryellen Cupertino octobre 6, 2020 Répondre

    Hi, I want to purchase two large treadmills, I was wondering how I can order the track in black instead of the wood color. I was also wondering if you guys sold a track that was made of rubber and not wood ?

    • Auteur
      Firepaw octobre 28, 2020 Répondre


      We can send an additional invoice for the plastic belt. Price is + 220 eu

      The plastic belt reduces noise with 3-4 db. It is also water resistance but treadmill should no to be exposed to moisture or humidity with or without plastic belt because it can damage other parts.

      The New High Resistance belt is from specific material similar to rubber but much more durable


      Maybe if you let us know what dog do you need a treadmill for we can advice which model would work better for you.




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