How much noise do mechanical dog treadmills produce?
It is a fact that the faster (easier spinning) a mechanic dog treadmill (slatmill) is the noisier it is. The easiest spinnig dog treadmills(slatmills) nowadays produce around 75-80 dB (80-85 big dogs). In Firepaw we are hardly working on reducing the noise without affecting the speed of the treadmills and already have success. Most probably next generation Firepaw Standard Dog Treadmill will produce 10-15 dB less with even greater speed.
Firepaw High Resistance Dog Treadmill principle of work is much different (A kind of Carpet dog treadmill but much more advanced) and noise level is much lower so it is great tool for everyday use at home. Its noise level are sensitevly lower.
Despite Firepaw Mini Dog Treadmill is the easiest spinning treadmill we make. It produces very low noise level. Physics of miniature dog breeds gives a chance to use cearamic bearings and soft belt which makes Mini Treadmills almost noiseless.